[Unity3D] Develop iOS Apps on Windows, Build on ...

2018年5月1日—FromWindows(noVM):No,youcan'tbuildforiPhoneinWindows.Becauseafteryou“build”itinUnity,youhavetobuilditinXCodewhich ...,BuildyourapplicationfromtheEditor·SelectFile>BuildSettings.·FromthelistofplatformsinthePlatformpanel,selectiOS.Note...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can I build for iphone in a Windows PC?

2018年5月1日 — From Windows (no VM): No, you can't build for iPhone in Windows. Because after you “build” it in Unity, you have to build it in XCode which ...


Build your application from the Editor · Select File > Build Settings. · From the list of platforms in the Platform panel, select iOS. Note: If iOS is greyed out, ...


Xcode builds the project into a standalone application and deploys and launches it on a connected device or the Xcode simulator. Replace and append mode. If you ...

Can I Build Ios Apps on Windows Unity? [Answered 2023]

2022年7月5日 — You can create iOS apps in Unity using the iOS build support feature. However, you can't build iOS apps with Unity on Windows. However, if you' ...

Possible to build Ios on windows now?

2022年4月28日 — Still not possible. You can build from unity on Windows but then, you 'll obtain a file to open with XCode and build this file with XCode So ...

Day 47. build a ios app in unity

如果只是想嘗試開發的窮學生,我覺得代價有點高,還好好像有一個免費開發的方式,條件是要有Mac電腦(因為要用到Xcode),然後最好創建一個新的Apple ID,不要跟自己個人的 ...

Guide On How To Build Unity Project On Windows For iOS

In order build Unity iOS application on Windows, we are going to need to use GitHub. Click on the link bellow and create a GitHub account. ... GitHub is where ...

Developing an IOS Game in unity on windows

2022年9月7日 — You can make the game on Windows. But you will need a mac to build it for ios. When you build for ios from Unity it creates an xcode project ...

Can I build iOS app on Windows Unity?

2020年4月15日 — No, you can't build an iOS app with the Unity editor on Windows. I don't know any solution for virtualization as I am ...


2018年5月1日—FromWindows(noVM):No,youcan'tbuildforiPhoneinWindows.Becauseafteryou“build”itinUnity,youhavetobuilditinXCodewhich ...,BuildyourapplicationfromtheEditor·SelectFile>BuildSettings.·FromthelistofplatformsinthePlatformpanel,selectiOS.Note:IfiOSisgreyedout, ...,XcodebuildstheprojectintoastandaloneapplicationanddeploysandlaunchesitonaconnecteddeviceortheXcodesimulator.Replaceandappend...

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

升級 iOS 10 你該知道的 10 件事

從6月WWDC蘋果發表了最新的iOS10到現在,經過了8個開發者測試版本,現在終於準備要正式發佈了,Winteriscoming... Falliscoming...傳說已久的"秋天"終於要來了…在升級iOS10之前,有10件事你應該要知道:--------...